COVID-19 Guidelines
We follow CDC/WHO recommendations and work in a data-driven manner to provide care in a safe environment. Our schedule is modified to ensure minimal overlap of patients, adequate time for thorough cleaning, and ability to maintain appropriate social distancing at all times. We will wear N95 masks and face shields/eye protection for maximum safety.
Patient Process
Be Cautious
Please call to reschedule if you have:
Fever or flu-like symptoms
Traveled away from home in the past two weeks (even if between states)
Tested positive for Coronavirus within the past 2 weeks
Been exposed to someone who tested positive for Coronavirus
Try Telemedicine
If you’d like to explore our telemedicine options, please fill out our Telemedicine Consent Form and call us to set up an appointment!
Reach Out
If you have questions, please reach out to our office.
(770) 767-3937
Thank you for your patience and understanding. Your care is our first priority,
— Dr. Reddy